For many, the thought of relocating office can be an extremely daunting one, with the decision to do so requiring a great deal of thought and consideration. Not only will you need to choose the right premises to move to, but you will also need to allocate time and resources to manage the relocation itself.
Whilst remaining in your current space may seem like the easy option there will, at some stage, come a time when your current office just isn't working for you anymore and staying put could potentially have a negative impact on the growth of your company.
As with most big changes, there is never a right time to relocate. However, there are several prompts to look out for. Here are 4 tell-tale signs that it is time to go…
1) Your lease is about to expire
For many companies the expiry of their lease can be the first prompt to start thinking about moving. Is your lease due to expire in the next 12 months? Now is a great time to assess the suitability of your current office and whether you should stay put or relocate. It is important for companies to consider this sooner rather than later as choosing the right office to move to and moving in can take some time. Now is the time to find out whether you getting the best possible deal out of your current landlord? Could you be getting a better rate or more for your money elsewhere?
2) You're running out of space
Filing cabinets full to the brim? Staff packed in like sardines? Never enough meeting rooms… Sound familiar?
A space that you once couldn't of imagined filling will soon reach capacity as your business continues to grow. With the recruitment of extra staff, new equipment, and more paperwork to file away you could soon find your office bursting at the seams. By conducting space utilisation and desk occupancy studies you can find out exactly how much space your employees need to operate effectively and if your current office space doesn't have this, then it's a sure sign that it's time to move into a bigger space. You might also find that you are unable to designate specific areas or zones to specific teams due to the lack of space.
It might not just be inside the office that is lacking in space. Are your employees struggling to park? Have you got enough parking to accommodate all the new additions as well as visiting clients?